Sataplia is located in the damp subtropical zone. 98 % of
the territory is covered with young Colchis type subtropical forest. These
areas are dominated by beech forest – with boxwood under story and horn beam
forest – with Oriental horn beam under story. From Coniferous trees there are yew
(Taxus Baccata). There are 67 woody species recorded in Sataplia area, among
them 30 species are trees and 37 – bushes. From the represented species 59 are
deciduous and 8 – evergreen.
Almost half of the woody plants are relicts. Among them are
Caucasian hornbeam, Georgian oak, Eastern beech, chestnut and others.
From the elements of Colchis forest 8 species are spread in Sataplia: Quercus hartwissiana, Imeretian buckthorns, common rhododendron, ruscus,
Btcher’s Broom, Colchis capers, high cranberries and Colchis boxwood. From
Poltava flora elements here can be found: boxwood, Colchis ivy, rhododendron
and others.
There are 482 species of herbaceous plants.
Species included in the “Red List” of Georgia
In Sataplia there are 9 woody species of rare and
endangered plants included in the “Red List”: yew (Taxus baccata L.), Colchis
boxwood (Buxus colchica Pojark.), chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.), Imeretian oak
Quercus imeretina Stev. ex. Maleev.), Colchis capers (Staphylea colchica Stev.), Zelkova
(Zelcova carpinifolia (Pall.) C. Koch.) and others.
Endemic and relicts
Here are three Caucasus and one Georgian endemic.
There are 12 species of mammals, 5 reptiles, 4 amphibians and 30
species of birds in Sataplia. From large mammals here can be found
jackal, badger, marten, Caucasian squirrel, European reabbit and fox, rarely
wolf and deer.
A beautiful view of Colchis forest is filled with various species
of birds. Staplia is the domain of swallows, Caucasian finches, chiffchaff,
blackbirds and jays. There areas are often visited by hoes, quail and woodcock.
In Satapia territory there are grass eater and prey dinosaur tacks
are preserved spread in different geological epochs. These tracks are collected
in a quite small patch, this means that theis place was the chosen spot by
dinosaurs. Dinosaurs found here are divided into separate groups by scientists
and are reffered to Satapliyasauarus: Sataphliazaurus dzotsenidze,
Sataphliazaurus tchabukiani; Sataphliazaurus gabunia and others.
Imereti caves are habitats for many bats. Among them one species is
rare and endangered. Here can be found:
older colony of Lesser Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros Bechtein.)
Besides above mentioned bats there are also: Greater Horseshoe Bat
(Rhinolophu sferrumequinum.); Lesser mouse-eared bat (Myotis oxygnathu sMonticelli); Natterer’s Bat (Myotis nattereri Kuhl), whiskered bat
(Myotis mystacinus Kuhl.); Lesser noctule (Nyctalis leisteri Kuhl.); common
noctule (Nyctalis noctula Schreber.).
Species included in the “Red List” of Georgia
According to the existing data there are 8 species of birds and one
species of bat in Sataplia Reserve and Managed Reserve. These are: grZelyura mRabiobi (Myotis bechteini Kuhl.).
From birds there are: Lesser kestrel, owl, Levant Sparrowhawk,
long-legged buzzard, greater spotted eagle and others.
Endemic species
9 endemic species from mammals are spread, among them: Asia Minor
mouse (Sylvamus mystacinus), Caucasian forest mouse (Sylvaemus fulvipectus), the
black rat (Rattus rattus) and others.
Attraction Passes
You are able to practice payable eco-tourist services at the National Parks of Georgia.
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