Machakhela National Park’s territory is covered by 95% of forest and bush.
500-600 meters above sea level territory: There are chestnut copse, hornbeam, bot sumach etc.
In brushwood areas there are spread Colchic bot bladder-nut, bot box, laurel, bot bracken, bot
ivy, bot fig, etc.
500 – 800 – 1000 (1200) meters above sea level territory: Chestnut girdle – there are spread
chestnut in this area, as well as hornbeam, alder, bot lime, bot elder, ash, ash-tree, elm, white bot
acacia, etc.
1000-1500 (1800) meters above sea level – there is spread red beech copse. This copse consists
of hornbeam, pontic rhododendron, laurel, Colchic plush, strawberry, bot Jupiter’s distaff, bot
maple and bot medlar.
Unique relict plants are presented on park’s territory, which are in Red List within VU
vulnerable status: Colchic bot box, bot chestnut, pontic oak, pontic rhododendron, sycamore and
bot medlar.
At Machakhela National Park there are presented: chamois, roe deer, brown bear, jackal, wolf, lynx, wild boar, squirrel, etc. The members of Red List animals are: brown bear, chamois, lynx, otter, and Caucasian squirrel. Form amphibians there is presented: mertensiella caucasica and from the reptiles there are spread: Turkish lizard and vipers.
Birds: Caspian orn snowcock, orn sparrow-hawk, white and yellow woodpeckers, eagle, orn little owl, orn harrier, orn goshawk, orn blackbird etc.
Machakhela National Park together with Mtirala National Park, Kintrishi Protected Areas and Jamil Biosphere Reserve are part of Kolkheti bio geographical region. The eco region is involved in 34 internationally importance spots of conservation. The region is distinguished with relict and endemic species, due to the fact that during the ice age period it was the shelter of the species that are inhabitants of warm places.
Machakhela National Park is the member of Emerald Network.
Park is reach with relict, endemic, vulnerable species of flora and fauna. There are spread 548 species of plants out of them 55 are endemic: 21 of them are Caucasian, 3 of them are species of Georgia, 25 Colchic, 4 Adjara-Lazeti and 2 of them Adjarian. There are 43 species of mammals, 92 species of birds, 31 fish, 20 amphibians and reptiles.
Attraction Passes
You are able to practice payable eco-tourist services at the National Parks of Georgia.
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